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Comparing Liquidity: US Stock Exchange vs. Bursa Malaysia


Greater Liquidity: The US NYSE and US Nasdaq are renowned for their exceptional liquidity. This is characterized by consistently high market capitalization and substantial average daily trade values (ADTV) on these exchanges. The robust liquidity in these markets often leads to tighter bid-ask spreads, creating a favorable environment for investors to execute their trades with greater ease and at more competitive prices.


US NYSE & NASDAQ combined

BURSA Malaysia

Market Capitalization (USD)
$ 47,180,000,000,000
$ 367,075,000,000
Average Daily Trade Value (USD)
$ 186,066,547,844
$ 513,931,182
  • note: USD 1.00 = RM 4.65

  • To put this discrepancy into perspective, the US NYSE/NASDAQ combined market capitalization and substantial average daily trade value (ADTV) surpasses that of BURSA Malaysia by a staggering factor of 129 times and 363 times, respectively.

  • There comparisons underscore the immense scale and liquidity of the US NYSE and US Nasdaq, rendering them highly attractive as global marketplaces for both investors and corporations

  • Source:,,,


US NYSE/Nasdaq Listing Statistics

A record year for IPOs in 2021

  • There were over 1,000 new US listing in year 2021, with 73% chosen to be listed on Nasdaq.

  • It's worth nothing the strong market sentiment leading to the record capital raised in 2021, with a total of USD $181 billion raised via Nasdaq in 2021, representing a 123% spike from 2020.

Nasdaq Welcomed 156 IPOs in 2022

  • Nasdaq remained strong as the market leader of US listings by welsoming 156 IPOs, raising USD $14.8 billion in 2022.

  • 7 of the top 10 largest global IPOs by proceeds raised were listed on Nasdaq.

  • 74% of all proceeds raised through IPOs were listed on Nasdaq.

source: Nasdaq Inc.


BURSA Malaysia Listing Statistic


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